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interact with the world, preserving the environment

Quinta São José dos Montes is a self-sustainable Retreat Center with Rural Tourism and Glamping, with family management, with the aim of reconnecting visitors with their surrounding nature (inside and outside). Regularly receives groups that promote activities for a healthier and more sustainable life.

It is our goal to inspire others to do more and better regarding to the health of our planet and for the future of new generations. We therefore have a sustainable approach in energy, water, waste management, buildings and environmental awareness, trying to minimize the environmental impact of everything we produce.

The farm has water from artesian boreholes, energy consumption comes from renewable sources, through photovoltaic solar panels that power the main house and tourism, and is also supplied by a solar water heating system and an organic waste pellet boiler. The external and internal lighting uses LED technology.

Our composting system makes it possible to enrich the soils, promoting an increase in microbial activity and water retention capacity and, in turn, an increase in soil fertility. Every year, we are already able to produce a few tons of compost from vegetable gardens, green and brown waste and all the waste produced by the space.

You can enjoy the farm’s animals, such as Horses, Donkey, Cattle Dogs, Cats, Chickens, Sheep, Goats, Salamanders, and so many birds that fly over the hills and all this surrounding area.


Estrada dos Montes, Nº134
2300-087 Olalhas – Tomar